Your next stop is with us​

At Carl SchwENGers GmbH we are passionate about technological advances and future-oriented solutions. We are proud to be an engineering service provider that focuses on professionalism, sustainability and a family working environment. We are always looking for highly motivated talents who share our passion and want to be involved in challenging projects that shape the mobility of the future.

We create an atmosphere where your skills are valued and you can advance your career in a supportive and dynamic environment. Our company relies not only on outstanding technical expertise, but also on a culture based on trust, openness and cooperation. We encourage your personal and professional development and offer you the opportunity to contribute your ideas and leave your own footprint in the industry.

Become part of our team and let us redefine the limits of what is technically feasible together!

We are looking for

Bewerbung & Karriere

We offer

Bewerbung & Karriere

Want to know more about what is important to us?

We are...

Bewerbung & Karriere

A family team

Bewerbung & Karriere

Professional, focused & efficient

Green mobility

Sustainable Developers

Bewerbung & Karriere

Helpful & open-minded

Bewerbung & Karriere

Carl SchwENGers GmbH

Want to join the team?

Please get in touch with us.

We will get back to you immediately with an appointment for an initial get together.